NEURO-SEMANTICS 2010 * Michael Hall in a… conscious way

The Vision:
Our vision in Neuro-Semantics is to make explicit the process from rich and inspiring meaning-making to robust and productive performance of those meanings. Neuro-Semantics as the performance of the highest and most enhancing meanings is all about applying principles to ourselves to close our knowing-doing gap and unleashing our highest potentials.
Our vision is to launch an international community of professional men and women who both love and know Neuro-Semantics and who live it. We see people taking NLP models and patterns to a higher level in performance and attitude as they add the Meta-State model to their understanding. Because reflexivity is built into the Meta-States model, our vision is that of people effectively applying the patterns to ourselves. We envision “walking our talk” and manifesting it as our congruence and integrity as our attractor frame in Neuro-Semantics. We envision a collaborative and cooperative style since we can do so much more together than individually. We envision setting and living by the higher frames of abundance leading to win/win collegial relationships and mutual accountability. We envision a community of men and women, professional in their business dealings, effective, productive, and high performers.

The Mission:
Our Mission is to model the structure of excellence, expertise, and mastery. We model human experience to extend our understanding and to create increasingly more effective patterns for improving the quality of our lives, families, and organizations. Our aim is to eliminate the knowing-doing gap that prevents the full experiencing of the great ideas and principles. Our mission is to take our skills and experiences to higher levels of personal power and focus, genius states, integrity, creativity, cooperation, resilience, etc.
We will apply Meta-States to new areas and to develop new models and patterns that affect our health and fitness, wealth creation, leadership, cultural change, political change, etc. In a word, our mission to produce the most robust performance of our highest and most inspiring meanings.

The Values
1) Apply to self.
To walk the talk, reflect on our own development, and lead by going first in self-application. Our standard is to be congruent and personally aligned, to increasingly develop our state management skills and practice, to always be learning and improving. The counter values are incongruence, lack of state management, hypocrisy, mere image management.
Monitor behaviors and trainings for congruency.
Attend courses regularly to continue our own education and training.
Let others evaluate and benchmark our work and skills with an attitude of openness to correction.
Resiliently handle upsets and challenges by separating person and behavior.

2) Collaborative cooperation.
To get along with each other, to “play well together,” to be good team members, to contribute and support each other. To respect each other, to recognize the innate value and dignity of others, to accept them and distinguish between person and behavior, to support the person while speaking to the needs of the behavior. The counter values are competition, gossip, backbiting, judgments of person, tri-angling.
Acknowledge the contributions of others.
Give credit for materials, patterns, and models.
Acknowledge the value of others even when we disagree.
Frequently co_lead, co_train, and co_write with others.
Give account of what and how we conduct ourselves as trainers.
Recognize the vital role that I play for the success of the larger vision.
Respond with care and compassion.
Welcome differences and looking for ways of cooperating.
Pace as we respond to people.

3) Peak performances.
To take effective action on what we know, to receive feedback and refine our skills so that we become productive and efficient in our performances. The counter values are “talk, talk, talk,” lack of productive action, procrastination, ineffectiveness.
Check quality of our actions and speech for effectiveness and productivity.
Recognize the importance of the keeping our credibility, honor, and legacy.
Create products, patterns, books, trainings that add massive value.
Demonstrate quality product knowledge, development, and service.
Continually refine current products and innovate new ones.

4) Abundance.
To create richness, wealth, and to lead by going first and showing the way, to give back to others, to contribute, to live knowing that we can do so much more together than alone. The counter values are scarcity, competition, and pettiness.
Refer people to our colleagues.
Share newly created patterns in articles, posts on egroups, etc.
Pay royalties for the training manuals.
Surprise participants and clients by giving more than what’s expected.
Live congruently in a spirit of open generosity.

5) Responsibility and integrity.
To assume personal responsibility for our primary powers (thought and emotion, speech and behavior), to eliminate excuses and rationalizations when we have made a mistake, to take initiate, to be proactive, to recognize our responsibility for our actions and our contributions in relation to others. The counter values are blaming, judging, rationalizing, justifying, etc.
Cohere to the code of ethical conduct to demonstrate emotional intelligence and integrity.
Quickly acknowledges problems, information, hurts, and problems and takes action to address such.
Quickly accept fallibility and errors in personal and business relationships to make amends.

6) Quality of customer service and products.
To create the best of experiences, trainings, products, and customer service. People come first, second products. The counter values are poor attention to detail, to quality, sloppy productions.
Devoting time and energy to taking care of customers and clients.
Asking questions about how to improve the quality of trainings, materials, etc.
Exploring feedback to discover how to use it to improve things.
Asking for feedback for improvement.

7) Direct and forthright communication.
To communicate directly and forthrightly that gets to the heart of things. The The counter values are tri-angling, gossip.
Honorably confront those who violate the Vision to win them back.
Communicate with care to hold each other accountable.
Speaking directly with those we have issues with, no tri-angling with others.
To always ask questions first, seek to understand, and only then make evaluations.

The Empowering Beliefs that create the Neuro-Semantic Vision:
We will congruently respect each other as professionals because
We believe in abundance not scarcity.
We believe in cooperation rather than competition.
We can achieve much more together than alone.
We believe in the rich resources which NLP and Neuro_Semantics contributes to the world.
We are part of something bigger than ourselves
Responsible actions manifest our beliefs and increase our credibility
Congruency is our power to truly make a difference in the world.
We stand on the shoulder of giants and are part of the time_binding process.
The future of Neuro-Semantics lies in our hands.
Sharing freely enriches us all and will come back to us a hundred fold.
There’s an attractiveness to a community that lives congruently.
You are as importance to me as I am to myself.
Being held responsible helps me to bring out my best, my personal genius.
People are more important that money and fame.
Recognizing the whole keeps us balanced.

Michael Hall


Giannicola De Antoniis:
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